RSVP does not guarantee entry. Entry is first come serve first serve till we are at capacity.
"Rule #1: Never underestimate your opponent. Rule #2: Take it outside. Rule #3: Be nice. Dalton is the best cooler in all the land, ready to get even the worst bar in Jasper back into shape. But when the local crime boss starts getting bold, Dalton might have to break a few of his rules, and possibly some throats too!
Good Garbage is happy to present a free showing of the Swayze classic "Road House" (1989) on Tuesday, 3/11 at 7pm (Doors @ 6). Enjoy a drink or food with the Here-After’s fabulous bar and enjoy the raw action and abs of Swayze himself with us! You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll want to start blasting the Jeff Healy Band non-stop after this thrill ride.
Presented by Good Garbage, a screening series featuring the best, silly-billy b-movies and cult classics to get us through the tough times. Let them know what kind of movies you would like to see at their IG: @goodgarbageseattle."
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