The Clock-Out Lounge and Raised By TV will be hosting a live viewing of the 2025 Academy Awards at The Clock-Out Lounge this year!
This is a FREE EVENT open to all. Table seating is first come first serve.
Sunday March 2nd
2:30 - 9:00PM
Doors open at 2:00 for Red Carpet Coverage. The Academy Awards show starts at 4pm. All ages unitl 8pm.
THE Clock-Out Lounge
4864 Beacon Ave S, Seattle, WA 98108
RAISED BY TV. Hosted by Brandon Ryan, Bethany Valiant and special guest friend Shane Regan will be MC'ing during the show and have random prizes for for best dressed and other cute things at the event and maybe more!
The Clock-Out Lounge has bar and food service all evening. Stevie's Famous Pizza. Grab a table and enjoy the awards show with some food and drink.
Happy L'il Gold Naked Statue Awards Night!
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