Huevos Revueltos Live Tribute by SurDeluxe

Fri Apr 25 2025

9:00 PM (Doors 8:00 PM)

Joe's on Weed Street

940 West Weed St. Chicago, IL 60642

$30.00 - $40.00

Ages 21+

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A night of live tributes to Rock in Spanish from 3 Leyendas Hombres G, Enanitos Verdes and Soda Stereo!
SurDeluxe, a band from South Florida (Miami) USA that for some years has been respectfully dedicated to remembering the hits of rock in Spanish, more than 40 years of musical history brought to the stage with the greatest passion and care.
Pop Culture a Band from Chicago that for several years has become one of the favorites of the local public.
Dj Diablo and Dj Dynamico pioneers of Rock in Spanish in Chicago and its suburbs.
It will be a magical night playing hits from the 80s and 90s. 
You can't miss this one!!
Una noche de tributos en vivo al  Rock en español  de 3 Leyendas  Hombres G, Enanitos verdes y Soda Stereo !
Sur Deluxe una banda del sur de Florida (Miami) USA que desde hace algunos años se dedica respetuosamente a recordar los éxitos del rock en español, más de 40 años de historia musical llevados al escenario con la mayor pasión y cuidado.
Cultura Pop una Banda de Chicago que ya por varios años se a ha colocado en una de las preferidas del publico local.
Dj Diablo y Dj Dynamico pioneros del Rock en Español en Chicago y sus suburbios.
Sera una noche mágica tocando los éxitos de 80s y 90s. 
No te puedes perder este!!

Huevos Revueltos Live Tribute by SurDeluxe

  • Sur Deluxe

    Sur Deluxe


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limit 10 per person
General Admission

Reserved Tables
4-Top #1
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6-Top #1
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Delivery Method

Will Call

Terms & Conditions

This event is 21 and over. Any ticket holder unable to present valid identification indicating that they are at least 21 years of age will not be admitted to this event, and will not be eligible for a refund.

Please note that the resale, attempted resale, or purchase of your ticket from any unauthorized reseller is grounds for seizure and cancellation of said ticket without compensation. The only valid tickets are those purchased and/or redeemed through our venue’s website. To the extent you have any inquiries or complaints, in such an event, please contact the Third Party Seller directly. Tickets purchased from any unofficial vendors are at your own risk and may be void upon entry

Huevos Revueltos Live Tribute by SurDeluxe

Fri Apr 25 2025 9:00 PM

(Doors 8:00 PM)

Joe's on Weed Street Chicago IL
Huevos Revueltos Live Tribute by SurDeluxe

$30.00 - $40.00 Ages 21+

A night of live tributes to Rock in Spanish from 3 Leyendas Hombres G, Enanitos Verdes and Soda Stereo!
SurDeluxe, a band from South Florida (Miami) USA that for some years has been respectfully dedicated to remembering the hits of rock in Spanish, more than 40 years of musical history brought to the stage with the greatest passion and care.
Pop Culture a Band from Chicago that for several years has become one of the favorites of the local public.
Dj Diablo and Dj Dynamico pioneers of Rock in Spanish in Chicago and its suburbs.
It will be a magical night playing hits from the 80s and 90s. 
You can't miss this one!!
Una noche de tributos en vivo al  Rock en español  de 3 Leyendas  Hombres G, Enanitos verdes y Soda Stereo !
Sur Deluxe una banda del sur de Florida (Miami) USA que desde hace algunos años se dedica respetuosamente a recordar los éxitos del rock en español, más de 40 años de historia musical llevados al escenario con la mayor pasión y cuidado.
Cultura Pop una Banda de Chicago que ya por varios años se a ha colocado en una de las preferidas del publico local.
Dj Diablo y Dj Dynamico pioneros del Rock en Español en Chicago y sus suburbios.
Sera una noche mágica tocando los éxitos de 80s y 90s. 
No te puedes perder este!!
Sur Deluxe

Sur Deluxe


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Access Code

Select Tickets

Ages 21+
limit 10 per person
General Admission
Reserved Tables
4-Top #1
4-Top #2
4-Top #3
4-Top #4
4-Top #5
4-Top #6
4-Top #7
4-Top #8
6-Top #1
6-Top #2
6-Top #3
6-Top #4
6-Top #5
6-Top #6

Delivery Method

Will Call

Terms & Conditions

This event is 21 and over. Any ticket holder unable to present valid identification indicating that they are at least 21 years of age will not be admitted to this event, and will not be eligible for a refund. Please note that the resale, attempted resale, or purchase of your ticket from any unauthorized reseller is grounds for seizure and cancellation of said ticket without compensation. The only valid tickets are those purchased and/or redeemed through our venue’s website. To the extent you have any inquiries or complaints, in such an event, please contact the Third Party Seller directly. Tickets purchased from any unofficial vendors are at your own risk and may be void upon entry